Chamber hosts business start-up workshop

May 10, 2023

Are you dreaming of starting a business? Or, need to make your existing business more financially viable?

Scone Chamber of Commerce and Industry is bringing Julian Campbell a leading Business Advisor with ETC to Scone at 7am on Wednesday, May 24 for ‘How to Start and Develop your Own Business’. A delicious continental breakfast, plus coffee or tea, is included in the $30 entry charge ($25 for chamber members).

As well as providing step-by-step guidelines for people looking to launch a business, the workshop is perfect for those whose business could use advice from an expert.

Mr Campbell has helped scores of budding entrepreneurs across the Hunter Valley to realise their business dreams.

A regular presenter with the Muswellbrook Chamber of Commerce he is also a judge in that chamber’s business awards, interviewing and assessing each nominee.

Having built a career helping budding entrepreneurs start and grow successful businesses, Mr Campbell loves guiding ‘quiet achievers’.

“They are the people who have the ideas and talent to be successful businessmen or women, but aren’t sure how to turn their dream into reality,” he said.

“Often they are just need some guidance and the steps to follow to establish and grow their business.

“The same goes for business owners who are frustrated that their business it is not achieving it’s potential. Often they simply missing one or two key ingredients.”

The Scone Chamber workshop will help answer key questions, such as:

  • Do you have the potential to run your own business?
  • How do you unlock your entrepreneurial spirit?
  • What opportunities are available to you?
  • What are the basic principles of running any business?
  • What’s the next step to take?

Scone Chamber co-president Hamish Firth said energy generation, equine, tourism and other major industries will all present opportunities for business start-ups and existing Upper Hunter companies in coming years.

“There will be gaps in the markets for goods and services that can be filled by people with ideas and skills,” he said.

“Working for 20 or 30 years in one job is becoming increasingly rare. A decade from now, most people will list several jobs in their resume, including self-employment.

“Whether you want to follow your business dream now or consider future self-employment, it’s worth learning what it takes to develop and launch a successful business.”

To book go to the ‘Events’ tab at or book on Eventbrite at