On the 23rd March RFCSNR launched the Rural Business Support program to support Small Businesses in drought-affected communities experiencing financial hardship. Their aim is to assist eligible small businesses impacted by drought and now COVID-19, to better cope and understand their financial position and provide information, referral, advocacy and to identify options with the aim to implement plans to improve their viability. Under the program, small business financial counselling services are provided FREE of charge and on a strictly CONFIDENTIAL basis.
To be eligible you need to be a small business employing less than 20 employees and experiencing, or at imminent risk of, financial hardship. You also need to be in a drought-affected rural area and not be Primary Producers.
There are many funding opportunities that may assist some small businesses through these testing times. RFCSNR can certainly provide information on eligibility criteria and support with applications as part of their case management for the client.
Rural Business Support Team:
Sandy Stanford based in Tamworth: New England – 0418 741 967
You can visit their website at http://rfcsnr.org.au and meet their team here.