Thinking of starting a business? A short, free online course to learn how to pitch your business to prospective customers has been endorsed by Scone Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
However, co-president Stuart Jamieson also urged the Upper Hunter’s existing business owners to consider it a ‘refresher course’ and enrol too.
The hour-long introductory course Winning Business was designed by the NSW Small Business Commission to help anyone planning to go into business get themselves ‘business ready’ for contracting. Teaching the skills needed to secure new customers, it covers:
• Getting your business ready for contracting
• Understanding your customer
• Preparing your business pitch
• Building a simple business proposal, including pricing and understanding risk
• Getting the customer to agree with your proposal
• Making a success of a contract with a new customer.
The course would benefit any business owner looking to improve the way they pitch their business proposition to new customer, according to Stuart Jamieson.
“Large companies often run these types of courses in house, so it’s wonderful that small business owners now have the opportunity to learn these skills and level the playing field,” he said.
“The business environment is constantly changing and throwing new challengers at small business owners.
“It doesn’t matter how long you have been in business. Upgrading skills or refreshing your skills from time to time is essential in today’s business environment.
“Every business owner needs to know how to build a larger or more diverse and profitable customer base.
“And, starter courses like this one could be a catalyst to enrol in more advanced courses.”
Winning Business is a companion to the Selling to the NSW Government project, which offers guides and an online course to help you sell goods and services to the State government.
To register for Winning Business, go to:
Starter course right for old hands too
March 1, 2023